Fall Break was mostly amazing! A few guilt-free days off work never hurt anyone, right? Not to mention that East Tennessee in the Fall has to be one of the best places on the planet! Jeff and John Thomas took a little time to go sniffing around the woods for something to put in our freezer. They sure are hard to spot when they're all decked out in their camo. :)
Jeff and I also took advantage of the extra time together to go on a 14 mile hike to Rocky Top! Part of me was hoping that the Pride of the Southland Band would be serenading us when we got to the summit. Instead, it was an amazing panoramic view of God's creation!
You know how a picture never does the real thing justice? This is definitely the case here. Also, my bear cub, Jeff, insisted on climbing to the top of the highest tree to get the best vantage point for this pic. He is such a "go-getter" and I am definitely one lucky lady!
Love this man and getting some extra time by his side. I also love that he carried all the water and food for the entire trip because my lil pups were "dog" tired by the time we got back to the car!
This is within the first mile of the hike. Notice the smiles that seem full of energy :).
We hiked up to over 5000 feet, so we got to see all the stages of Fall in a matter of hours.
This was taken at mile 13. Notice the absence of energy. I can't even raise my lip enough to show my teeth. We were both exhausted but had an amazing day and will do it all over again the next time we get the chance!
Kindergarten field day was also this week! I played hooky on Friday to spend the day rooting on all the little Brickey Bears, especially this little cutie! (Apparently, I am fond of this UT hat.)

After watching John Thomas run sprints, relays, and soccer dribbling drills --it has confirmed my belief that he is much better at precision events. He and his class won first place in the egg relay! He didn't drop the egg once! Granted he was walking so slow that turtles and snails were using him for analogies. But as they say, "slow and steady wins the race!"
He pretty much wore this smile all day as did most of the kiddos!An update from the last blog about Monday Manies, there were THREE EXTRA VOLUNTEERS! The five of us pampered and loved on lots of ladies at KARM! Thanks Kim, Sue and Savannah for all your help!! Next Monday Manies will be on November 2nd and I would love to serve by your side if you are interested!
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