This week we had not one, not two, but three different days of violently stormy weather. All three days we lost power for several hours at a time, and for a few days we were actually without cable or internet access. There were over twenty trees and several power lines strewn about the neighborhood by the end of the week. Thankfully we just lost one vinyl shutter. Even though the weather was scary, our garden and yard are very happy. In fact this week we picked our first cucumbers and another full-sized squash!
We had to get creative around the house to keep ourselves (meaning our little curious 14 month old babe) occupied. John Thomas discovered he could take all the old t-shirts out of this drawer and he was just the right size. I also organized our attic and garage and plan on making a trip to Goodwill in the next day or so. I love getting rid of clutter. In spite of the volatile weather, Friday John Thomas and I headed up to Lake Norris to spend some time with Nana Gay at her houseboat. As you can gather from the picture, we all had a really nice time. Next week we are flying to Colorado to spend time with Zach, Liz and Stella. I'm anxious about the flight but excited about the visit. To my faithful readers (Mom and Molly), the blog might be late --so don't get worried. 
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