It is absolutely amazing how fast babies change and grow! From our little
snuggly peanut to our big cuddly crawler, John Thomas has just grown up too fast! In his ninth month,
JT crawls, pulls up, loves to eat, loves to be read to (especially when he's tired), loves climbing on/over Chester, loves to dance, loves to flirt, and loves his blocks and train. One of my favorite things he does when he's crawling around is chuckle right before he's about to get into something. "
Heh heh, there's that potted plant that momma won't let me play in." And then he makes a b-line for the vegetation. I'm thinking his curiosity is a good thing, but may lead to some serious mother/son standoffs in the future.

We had more snow days this week. How I love living in a county that comes to a virtual standstill with only a few inches of snow. It actually worked out great because we all got to recover from the variety of ailments we've been battling. Not to mention that we LOVE getting to stay home and have quality time together.
We also found many creative ways to entertain ourselves, which included torturing the dog. At this point, I think Chester will take any attention he can get.

John Thomas has started pulling up on everything. Whenever we go get him out his crib, he's just standing there looking at us. I'm not sure how long it takes most kids to go from standing to walking, but I'll keep you posted.
John Thomas has started saying "
dada" as well as "mama." He doesn't say them everyday, but it's definitely music to our ears. Right now he uses them interchangeably, so he still hasn't quite figured out who he's talking about.

Also in his ninth month, John Thomas is flashing a toothy grin. He's got four, yes FOUR, teeth. I'm sure it's no surprise that we brush them
every night right before bath time. I wonder when his dad is going to make him start flossing?
Im loving that toothy grin! Aint nothing better.
ReplyDeleteHe gets more precious everyday!