Sorry to blog early this week, but we're headed to a wedding in Cincinnati tomorrow and I didn't want to disappoint all four of our blog followers by being late. This week was pleasantly uneventful, which gave us plenty of opportunity to spend some quality family time together. As you can tell by the totally adorable picture, John Thomas helped me do some chores around the house. The only major update this week is that we purchased a sound machine to help us get some restful sleep. It turns out that every parent in the world should have one of these. John Thomas will go to sleep without so much as a whimper if the "white noise" is going. Sarah, please tell Becky, whoever she is, that I said "thank you" too.
Hopefully JT's interest in books will continue as he gets older. We're up to four or five books per day. They will even pacify him as well as any of his toys.

If anyone has some children's books that you're looking to pawn off, let us know. I think we've read "Panda Bear, Panda Bear," "Guess How Much I Love You" and a few others about 200 times. I'm pretty sure I can recite them all without even having to look at the page.
Meanwhile, Chester is loving having us home more. It means he gets to be outside gnawing on sticks and being a dog. You'd never know from this picture that this "rugged" dog spends every night on our cozy couch.

So glad you got a sound machine. Now just add batteries and take it everywhere you go :)