All along I've vowed to not spoil our son. I will tell you that our little, soon to be seven week old, boy has figured out how to train me (and the rest of the family). He has spent the better part of this last week in someone's arms and I don't mind a bit!

I think he loved the super cushy lap that grandpa had to offer. Dad said it used to be one of my favorite seats too.

John Thomas loves the Baby Bjorn. He gets in it and gets to hang around with mom while I cook dinner or fold laundry (boy, I'm really starting to sound like a stay at home mom).

He now weighs ten pounds and growing like a weed. He's even starting to get the fat rolls on the legs that I love so much.

His new favorite playtime activity is this little gym. He coos while it plays music and lights up. He's also tries to reach out and grab the toys, usually in vain.

Chester has had the best week since we brought JT home because he got to hang out with Ozzie over at grandma and grandpa's. He better enjoy it while he can because they are moving to Wisconsin at the end of June.
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