As most of you have undoubtedly heard, John Thomas came screaming into the world thirteen days early, on April 14
th at 10:40 p.m. He weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 21.5 inches long. It was easily the most wonderful day of our life!
I realize this is a face only a parent could love, but he truly is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I know I'm overly emotional/hormonal but I've written him a letter I'd like to share.

Dear John Thomas,
I loved you before you were born. The day I saw the "+" sign, I was positively enamored. The first time I heard your heartbeat was music to my ears. What a joy to watch you grow from a lentil to a lemon and feel all the nudges and kicks along the way. I was counting down the days before we'd meet, but like your mother, you must have grown impatient. You made your grand entrance in record time. How blessed we are to have such a precious gift. You are our love. I can think of no greater proof of God than your sweet face. Welcome to the family son.
All my love,

Jason has been truly AMAZING. He has changed almost every diaper, he helps me feed, runs errands and is the most supporting and loving father and husband I could ever wish for. John Thomas is surely a lucky little boy. These last four days have such an adventure and I can't wait to watch our family grow and make all sorts of new memories.

I'm pretty sure this is the best I've looked in the past four days. We've had some visitors and company and I hope
they don't mind the "all natural" look of no make-up, pj's and unkempt hair. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it all together before too many days, because I'd hate to scare the baby. Thank you to everyone who came by, brought food and held our sweet baby boy.

Mom got to come to the hospital on Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure he's already got her in the palm of his oh-so tiny and
cute hand. Not only is he their first grandson, he was born only days before her 6
0th birthday. I know she was happy with her gift from us this year. Happy 60th Birthday Grandma!

Chester is still trying to figure out how he is going to fit into the picture (so to speak). I think it'll take a little time for our first stinker (Chester) to adjust to having to share Mom and Dad's love with the new cutie on the block. As long Chester can still lay on the couch and gets a little love here and there, he's going to be just fine.
That picture of Chester is killing me! Too funny! I'm sure we'll be in the same boat with Milly before too long.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the world John Thomas! Now your blog is making ME cry with your letter to him! I can't wait for all of the updates on this little guy's new life. WE are so happy that YOU ALL are so happy and we can't wait to meet him. Yay for blogging!
ReplyDeletewell actually that was LIZ that said all that!
ReplyDeleteI love...ADORE that first picture! What a show off he is already! Chester will be just fine and soon he and John Thomas will be rolling around on the floor together.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you Rachel. He is absolutley adorable. I cant wait to meet him face to face. Love you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Rachel and Jason. All of your PHS family is definitely excited for you. Hope to see you and son soon.