Saturday we decided to register at BabiesRUs. Although we're somewhat overwhelmed, we both stayed incredibly patient with one another. You can go to if you want to check it out. Please feel free to offer any advice to help complete or edit our selections.
This weekend's greatest disappointment:
Our friend Tommy was throwing his wife, Stephanie, a surprise 30th birthday party in Birmingham. Instead of spending the weekend with our long lost favorite cul-de-sac neighbors, we were stuck in the cul-de-sac here all by our lonesome because my basketball game was rescheduled for Saturday. I hope that she had a wonderful soiree and I hope that we can make it up to them real soon. Happy Birthday Steph!
After looking at snow/ice all weekend, this picture reminds me of the warm summer days. Speaking of warmth, our heat went out last night.
Needless to say, Jason and I practiced our Eskimo kisses before we went to bed last night. When I woke up it was 50 degrees in our bedroom --brrrrrr.

Looks like Chester's learning how to pose for his weekly blog pic!