Jason was such a good sport all weekend as I not-so delicately encouraged him to help me move furniture, get organized and put more stuff up in the attic. His parents, Danny and Molly, our most faithful relocating service, came in to help cart off our spare bedroom furniture and make room for the nursery. I intended to snap some pics of the move, but Danny was already starting to pack to U-haul when I crawled out of bed this morning. If he had his own moving company it would be called the Roadrunner Relocation Company because he moves so fast it's impossible to keep up. Beep beep!

I think we've (meaning I've) picked out the color for the nursery. No it's not baby blue, it's actually Water Chestnut and hopefully it will look nice with the dark furniture and chocolate and blue elephant bedding.

Here is the room after Jason and his dad got a hold of it. Jason is set to do the painting sometime in the next month. He isn't actually nesting, he's just fallen victim to my obsession. Sorry hon.

Two disclaimers about this picture: 1. I have on no make-up and my hair is a mess. 2. I hate this bathroom color but it was literally the hardest room I've ever painted and I refuse to redo it. This is my baby mound. I swear it gets bigger every day.
Here is the abbreviated baby scoop (I'm stealing, eh I mean borrowing your idea Sarah):
1. Week 26 and John Thomas is VERY active. I'm pretty sure he's either going to grow up to be a karate instructor or a gymnist because he woke me up at 4:30 a.m doing Tae bo in my abdomen. His eyes are now open, he weighs just over 2 lbs and he's around 9.5 inches long.
2. Energy: I'm really good until about Thursday afternoon and then I'm exhausted. Thanks to a great schedule, I can hall walk almost every day to help keep my stamina up (Thanks Sarah!). Jason would never say this out loud, but I get really grumpy when I'm tired and he's been so sweet about it.
3. Cravings: I'm loving cottage cheese, pimento cheese and pecan sandies cookies.
4. Aversions: I wish.
5. Clothing: Anything with an elastic waistband. I love the fact that maternity clothes don't have zippers (simply genius).
6. Weight gain: None of your business, but I will proudly say I still am several pounds away from my freshman 20 (yes 20!).
7. Next doctors appointment: 2 weeks. It's the one where I have to drink the syrup and get tested for diabetes.

Chester got a much needed bath this weekend. Don't worry, this is his toy squirrel and as most of you know anyway, he's a lover not a biter.