Sunday, October 27, 2013

Harvest Mooning

Let me start out by saying, I'm so sorry :).  Our handful of followers may have realized that this blog has gone from a weekly to a monthly publication.  It is solely a function of being crazy busy and not because we don't want to keep you up to date!
 Where to begin...?  Well Jeff, John Thomas and myself are still having lots of fun finding adventures and making the most out of our time together.
 We've also been "soaking" up some family time!  John Thomas asks to go swimming in the "hot pool" every time he's at Gramma and Poppy's.
 Thanks to Nana Gay and Tony, we got to go to our first family UT football game!  It was about 200 degrees though, so we only made it about halfway through the first quarter.  We came, we saw the power T, we heard Rocky Top, we ate a Smokey Dog, and we left.  John Thomas had a blast and, in spite of the scorching heat, wasn't really ready to go home when we headed out. #VFL
 Over our much-needed Fall Break, we drove up to spend some time with Jeff's family in Pennsylvania.  The leaves were gorgeous as we drove through West Virginia!
 If you want to see something really cute, just ask John Thomas to say "Pennsylvania."  We did some hiking and sight-seeing while we were in the area.
 This one makes my heart so happy!  My handsome boys, doing what they love the most.
 The gang (Jeff, Wes, Tia, and Me) decided to go to a local haunted house/forest/corn field.  I have no doubt that they were thoroughly entertained at my expense.  If you want an idea of how funny it was to them, just watch this clip from the Ellen show:

 Here is my beau with his super sweet mom and dad (Ms. Viv and Tom) at the ski resort.
 We had such a great time going up on the ski lift and sledding down!  There was also music, BIG construction machines (like bulldozers and snow blowers) and hot chocolate!
 You can tell Ms. Viv is no stranger to fun!  Thanks so much for being such a gracious host to us both!
 They even had a hay bale maze for the kiddos!
Couldn't resist sharing this holiday yard decor with you all!  Made me laugh out loud!  Hope that you and your family have a spooktacular Halloween this week!