Sunday, April 15, 2012

TWO MUCH FUN! (Misspelling intended :))

Let me apologize in advance because whenever I skip a week blogging, I feel like I need to make up for it, so this blog is twice as long as usual.  The past three weeks have been jam-packed with lots of fun and adventures and the celebration of new beginnings!
Not only has the weather been A-mazing, but we had the chance to soak it up in all sorts of ways!  One of John Thomas' little buddies, Kinsley, turned two just a few weeks ago and she had the best birthday party I've ever been to.  They even rented a huge inflatable slide for all the kiddos to enjoy.  John Thomas didn't waste a second trying it out!
It was also time for another mommy haircut.  He really does better and better every time.  This time, he only cried for about a minute before he gave in and just let me do my thing.  Doesn't he make a handsome little fella?
And of course, last weekend was Easter.  We celebrated with several of our family friends.  I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in deviled eggs.  It really was a reminder of how blessed and surrounded by love we truly are.
At the Cole/McAffry family Easter, Mama Cole even put together an Easter basket for John Thomas.  Seriously, what a lucky boy.  As you can tell, all the egg-hunt practice Gramma did with him in Green Bay over Spring Break really paid off!
I couldn't resist the Momma/John Thomas photo op, since it's rare that we both are dressed up so cute!  I will say, I had the cutest date at church :).
But the biggest news of all over the past two weeks is that John Thomas turned two yesterday!  He had such a great day!  He literally got to see everyone he loves and had the best time.  Hung out with his dad and Grandma Molly and Grandpa Danny in the morning, talked to Gramma and Poppy over Skype (best invention ever), and had an afternoon full of all of his favorite things!
We had a little get together with all his friends at a local playground.  Thank you to Maggie, Jeremy, Caroline, Hannah, Denise, Adeline, Kim, Jason, Kinsley, Sarah, Andrew, Lola, Katie, Charlie, Brody, Dare, Angelina, Callie, and McKenna for all coming to help us celebrate John Thomas' big day!
He's been singing happy birthday to himself all week, but yesterday he relished in the spotlight when everyone was singing to him.  He even blew out the candle all by himself.  I'm not sure where he gets it, but he doesn't mind being the center of attention at all!
Of course, these two found a moment to steal away and be silly together.  They are always so happy to see each other, it melts my heart.  This morning at church, they grabbed each other's hand and walked from the sanctuary to the daycare room.  So sweet!
What birthday would be complete without a visit to Nana Gay's?  Thanks to them, John Thomas is all set for helping me put in the garden next weekend!
This is the point were I get a little emotional and throw my attempts at being a modest mother out the window.  Simply put, I think that my little boy is the most wonderful, precious, sweet, handsome, silly, clever, perfect little bear.  He makes me smile all the time (okay most of the time) and I know a joy I never knew existed when I think of the way he's changed and added purpose to my life.  He's learning new phrases all the time but my favorite might always be, "I lub you." It goes without being said, I love him too, more than he'll ever know.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Technical Difficulties

According to the Geek Squad, "the motherboard on my computer is fried.". So, I won't be blogging until I can get a replacement. Check back in next week to see highlights from John Thomas' second birthday! Happy Easter and thank the Lord for hope and new beginnings!