After looking back on the blog for the past little bit, I've realized that I must love to take pictures of John Thomas in this outfit. It's not like it's his only set of
PJ's or the cutest outfit he owns, but apparently I can't get enough of him in it. Although these two have been peas in a pod for a long time, it's quite the challenge to capture them both sitting still and being cute at the same time.

John Thomas has learned to climb into the chairs on the deck all by himself. Again, it was really more of a photo opp about 30 seconds before this picture was taken, but they WERE leaning on each other and being really sweet before he realized that girls have cooties.

Yes, he is all boy, so please don't let the pink watering can fool you. It came in a set of very masculine outdoor toys. Real men water with pink watering cans anyway. Right?