Sunday, February 27, 2011
Dog Gone Cute
This is the look you're sure to get if you come home and discover your 70 pound lab curled up on the bed. How can you be mad at this face?
Our weekend was delightfully simple. I actually slept in on Saturday, both Jason and I got to workout, and John Thomas had tons of fun hanging out with Momma and Daddy.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Spring Fever
Everything about this week felt like Spring. I was home, the trees were budding, the birds were readying their new homes, and the weather was ideal. Leave to the Kirkpatrick's to have a more literal definition of Spring Fever. John Thomas had RSV all week. I'm not sure what "RSV" stands for but I'm thinking it could be: Really Scary Virus, Ridiculously Serious Virus, or Raging Super Virus. Either way, his fever actually got up to 105 on Wednesday. In virtual panic mode, I called everyone I thought might be able to help. After a dose of Tylenol and a lukewarm bath, his fever finally came down. I'm happy to report he's almost good as new, with one minor exception. All the snuggling and TLC he got this week has really changed his appetite for cuddling. He has ended up in our bed every morning for the last several days. As Jason would say, "we've got a high quality problem." :)
Of course all of his pictures this week are from the last two days. As you can tell from the picture below, come bath time/bedtime--he really wants to turn back the hands of time. I'm sure we're just so much fun, he never wants it to end.

I'm chalking this bottom picture up to an exaggerated camera angle. Otherwise, it looks like our baby boy is getting so big. At the end of his first week as a ten month old, John Thomas can wave and point (sometimes), he shimmies around on furniture, knows where every "off-limits" spot in our house is (especially the dog bowls, potted plants, electrical cords...), laughs all the time, loves snuggling with mama at 5:00 a.m., gets excited when his dad gets home from work, gives kisses upon request, will eat anything put in front of him, and has had four haircuts.
I'm chalking this bottom picture up to an exaggerated camera angle. Otherwise, it looks like our baby boy is getting so big. At the end of his first week as a ten month old, John Thomas can wave and point (sometimes), he shimmies around on furniture, knows where every "off-limits" spot in our house is (especially the dog bowls, potted plants, electrical cords...), laughs all the time, loves snuggling with mama at 5:00 a.m., gets excited when his dad gets home from work, gives kisses upon request, will eat anything put in front of him, and has had four haircuts.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Love is in the Air
So I've got some good news and some bad news. Good news first. Grandma Molly came in town to visit with the family this weekend. This enabled Jason and I to go on our early Valentines (and desperately needed) date. We did lunch at Coolato Gelato. I never knew peanut butter and jelly gelato could be so good. Really, it's the best lunch in town. Afterwards, we enjoyed a very entertaining and rich film, The King's Speech. We both gave it two thumbs up. I will say I must have been in a hurry to get home to John Thomas, because I left my purse in the theater. Thankfully it was there when I frantically ran back to get it.
Friday night we headed out for some quick Mexican cuisine. Once again John Thomas was more interested in the people-watching than the food. He could not take his eyes off of a cute little girl with long blond hair that was sitting a few booths down. Is it really possible for a ten month old to be girl-crazy already?
I was so glad that John Thomas got a chance to spend some time with Grandma. They had lots of fun together. Everything was going great until last night. John Thomas didn't want to eat dinner, had a fever and was also pretty congested. We were all up most of the night. He is still feverish, and after calling our doctor, we'll be headed promptly to the pediatrician's at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I was hoping to be home to celebrate his ten month old birthday, but not because he was miserable.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Hat Head
What about this do? I think we've finally found a hairstyle that suits John Thomas' personality. Just throw on a toboggan for about twenty minutes and viola!
To add further proof that JT doesn't always work inside the lines, here is what his dinner time is starting to look like. On the menu: Bananas, steamed rice and edamame. Yummo!
The highlight of everyone's weekend was the handful of new toys we got for JT. Though, I think they were more for my sanity than his, because I'm a little tired of the same old stuff. One of the toys included an abacus. At this point, he really seems to prefer toys that aren't electronic with lots of lights and crazy noises. You won't hear me complaining about that.
Around the house, I feel like a mother goose and JT is my gosling. He follows me everywhere I go and insists upon trying a bite of anything I put in my mouth. I've yet to find anything he doesn't like to eat. He has also started pulling up on the furniture and taking a few steps while holding on. He even let go a few times today, but no steps yet. Believe me, I'm in NO hurry to have him walking (i.e. getting into everything) around the house.
I just can't get enough of this chunky lil babe. What did I ever blog about before we had John Thomas?
I just can't get enough of this chunky lil babe. What did I ever blog about before we had John Thomas?
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