Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Spoonful of Love
This was the first time the Kirkpatrick's got to spend Thanksgiving at our home as a family. Translation: We weren't in the car for hours, sleeping in someone else's bed, and eating way too much because we just can't stop. The embarrassing truth is that the only thing I cooked on this whole plate of yumminess was the green bean casserole. Although we missed seeing our families, we really enjoyed the time we had to spend together with just the three of us.
For me, the best part of the whole Thanksgiving holiday was all the wonderful time I got to spend with John Thomas. We started off our break just right with a nap Wednesday morning. And let me assure you, it was way better than getting ready to teach first period!
Since there were only three of us, we had to take turns taking family pictures. I can't remember the last time it was 70 degrees on Thanksgiving, but I'm not complaining.
I am so thankful for all the boys in my life! My wonderful hubby, our snugglicious baby boy, and our spoiled doggy--Chester.
In the past month or so, John Thomas has really started filling out. I'm not sure how much he weighs, but I can't get enough of his chunky legs!
We've also discovered that JT loves kitchen spoons, plastic bowls and plastic lids. It just goes to show that you don't have to spend squillions of dollars on fancy toys, because he's probably going to spend more time playing with the box anyway.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Our Lil Inchworm
I would love to be able to report that baby Kirkpatrick has mastered the crawl, but my conscience just won't let me. He is definitely on the move, but he looks more like an inchworm squirming across the floor. Albeit a very cute inchworm!
Besides enjoying my weekend with the boys. I also started wondering how much harder next Monday will be after spending almost the entire week at home with John Thomas for Thanksgiving. I guess I should just be "thankful" that I get to spend some real quality time with him and the hubby.
As boring as it may seem, we've really spent the whole weekend playing and trying to enjoy the gorgeous weather. As you can see, he's learned to get into his toy box. It's pretty cute watching him rifle through the toys to find just the right one. Of course he is most fascinated by the box itself. Go figure. Don't tell him, but he may be getting a few wrapped empty boxes for Christmas this year because boxes (and cooking spoons) seem to be among the best entertainment this house has to offer.
I think Jason was ready to lug him around like a big boy. But daddy may have changed his mind when John Thomas decided to use Jason's hair as reigns. It was so funny to watch Jason try to get him down while JT hung on to a handful of hair with a vice grip. I guess if that's the biggest news of the week, we can't complain. Happy early Thanksgiving everyone and we hope that you get lots of yummy food and quality time with your loved ones this week.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Lucky Number Seven
I cannot believe that John Thomas is seven months old today! As I looked back on all his pictures, I'm amazed by how much he has changed, how his personality gets more and more distinct everyday, and by how much we love and adore him. Just seven months ago today, we experienced one of the greatest gifts God could ever give us, our son.
April 14, 2010 was a regular work day but certainly turned into an extraordinary evening. I must have had one of the easiest births for a first-time mom because I went from contraction to baby John Thomas in about four hours. It truly was one of the greatest days of our lives. And, even though I didn't get an epidural, I think back on labor with fondness (Is this crazy?).
One month in, we still had almost no clue what we were doing. But, everything we did, we did with love. From day one, everyone said John Thomas looks like his daddy. That's okay with me, because I sure think his daddy's cute!
I know it seems crazy, but we went to the beach when John Thomas was only two months old. We had an awesome time and JT spent most of his days in the portable swing resting in the breeze on the patio.
Although he had been smiling for a while, I finally captured a good one on camera when his was in his third month. It was also around this time that JT fell in love with the Baby Bjorn. Pretty much from three months on, if we wanted to take John Thomas anywhere, he wanted/insisted on riding in the Baby Bjorn.
I didn't realize that nearly every month we traveled out of town, until I looked back on all his photos. To celebrate his fourth month, we visited the grandparents in Wisconsin. Four months old and he'd already been to five states! I need a nap just thinking about all the traveling we did. For right now, I'd say he's pretty easy to travel with but it may be a different story when he starts walking and talking.
At five months, John Thomas was learning to master his Johnny Jump-up. Since I started work a few weeks ago, he hasn't been in it very much when I'm home because I don't want to put him down.
John Thomas has always loved hats, but in his sixth month he wanted to check out daddy's hat. He still loves to pet Jason's beard, which is really sweet to watch. It reminds me that my dad has had a beard my whole life and mom says that I used to pet my dad's beard too.
Speaking of my dad, as an early birthday present we had a surprise visit from Papa yesterday morning. He didn't stay long, but I know that both these two enjoyed every second of it. Seven months ago today, we started our family and it has been nothing short of amazing. I never knew I could love so much and I thank God everyday for the gift of our son.
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