Sunday, August 29, 2010
John Thomas the Baptized
We've had marginally cooler weather this week, which has allowed us to start enjoying the new deck. I can't imagine getting anymore laid back than this. I also think having Gramma and Papa around this week helped everyone relax.
Like any doting grandparents, Mom and Dad were so eager to help entertain and cuddle with JT. The added bonus was the fact that my extremely handy dad did all sorts of work around our house. Thanks to my dad we have a new ceiling fan, new shower curtain rod, new screens in bedroom windows, organized garage, cleaned porch railing, repaired closet light, chopped wood...and so on. Thank you so much dad!
I think Jason even picked up a few pointers in the process.
Mom and I also took a trip to see Mamaw. Mamaw was so excited to see us! She just couldn't get enough of her new little great grandson.
The best part of the whole week was that John Thomas was baptized this morning. He was such a trooper for the whole thing. As you can tell, all the hoopla must have taken its toll. Thank you to all the family and friends who were able to support us and him today. It truly is his first step in his walk with Christ, and I only hope and pray that we can help guide and support him in his relationship with Jesus as he grows up.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Roaring Thirties
Okay, so I think our little boy is undeniably adorable. I actually couldn't sleep last night for thinking about how cute and lovable and precious John Thomas is. Bath time is one of my favorite things in the whole world, and with a face like this you could understand why.
In his fourth month, I've finally discovered that I can go anywhere with JT as long as he's in the Baby Bjorn. This week we did our big grocery trip and ventured to Babies R Us to pick out a few new toys. As you can tell, he's upgraded from his baby gym.

Papa and Gramma have already relished spending time with John Thomas. Every time John Thomas sees my dad, he smiles and giggles. It truly is the sweetest thing in the world to watch these two light up.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ready For Take Off
We decided to go visit Gramma and Papa in Wisconsin for a long and fun-filled weekend. We boarded the plane out of Knoxville at 7:00 a.m. Thursday morning. John Thomas did fairly well on the plane rides, considering we had mechanical trouble and three hours worth of delays while sitting on the tarmac after boarding.
After an exhausting day, we were able to unwind and relax in my parents beautiful home. Mom, of course, cooked a great meal while we unpacked. The best part of the whole evening was the clear night sky complete with dozens of shooting stars. I've truly never seen anything like it. It was like God was putting on a fireworks show for us!
The area where my parents live is quite rural. Every lot is five acres and full of all sorts of wild life. Molly, you would love the bird watching. This little tree frog obviously caught a whiff of my mom's cooking and had to check it out.
Friday morning, Dad and Jason got up bright and early to go see the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. I think they had a great day doing guy stuff while mom and I were relaxing at home. Saturday, the boys got up before dawn (3:00 a.m. to be exact) to catch their chartered fishing boat. We were surprised to see them home by 7:00 a.m., having already caught their quota. Don't be surprised if we serve grilled salmon at our next dinner party. Dad earned the "Biggest Catch" award with this whopper. We indulged with in fresh grilled salmon for dinner on Saturday night and it was outstanding!
There also happened to be a local festival called the Shantyday Festival in the town where my dad works, Algoma. It's a little quaint town right on the shore of Lake Michigan. I have no idea what they're celebrating, but it gave us all an excuse to partake in festival food while John Thomas watched the parade.
We've been home for a few hours and everyone is trying to recuperate from such an exciting weekend. We also have some other exciting news to share. John Thomas turned four months old yesterday and celebrated by rolling over from back to front. You may remember that he rolled over from front to back at five and a half weeks. I have a video, but couldn't get it to work on the blog. You can check my Facebook page if you'd like to see how big our little guy is.
We've been home for a few hours and everyone is trying to recuperate from such an exciting weekend. We also have some other exciting news to share. John Thomas turned four months old yesterday and celebrated by rolling over from back to front. You may remember that he rolled over from front to back at five and a half weeks. I have a video, but couldn't get it to work on the blog. You can check my Facebook page if you'd like to see how big our little guy is.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I'm not sure what all we did this week, but somehow we stayed busy. We had a few visitors, including Denise and Grandma Molly. We also got on the scale and John Thomas is finally in the teens at just over thirteen pounds.
Friday night Jason and I grilled out on our new deck and finally broke in the fire pit. It was a little warm to be sitting by the fire but it provided some ambiance.
We also had a chance to do some gardening. I took out all the squash, zucchini and cucumber plants because they weren't going to bear anymore fruit and reseeded them. Hopefully we'll get some produce before the first frost sets in. Just so there is no confusion, the plants in the picture are okra. I would hate to blog about a drug bust next week!
This week I also finished a phenomenal book, The Help. It's such a great story and nearly impossible to put down! And, thanks to grandma, we were able to go see Inception on Saturday night. Besides the fact that we went to the 10:10 showing and didn't get home until 1:00, it was a wonderful night and a very entertaining flick! It's like Shawshank Redemption mixed with The Matrix.
This week we'll be gearing up for our first flight to go see gramma and papa in Wisconsin. Please wish us luck and if anyone has any advice about flying with a baby, I'll take it.
This week we'll be gearing up for our first flight to go see gramma and papa in Wisconsin. Please wish us luck and if anyone has any advice about flying with a baby, I'll take it.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thirty One And Counting
What an eventful week! We started off the week by celebrating my 31st birthday. I had a great day. I got to hang out with John Thomas all day and he was so playful and happy. After Jason got home, he cooked dinner for me. He also ordered very delicious red velvet cake and sang me the happy birthday song. Yes, he even stopped by the store to pick up candles so that I could make a wish. I wonder if you still get your wish if one of your candles is on backwards?
Perhaps the best birthday gift of all was that Charlotte Mae McAffry was born on my birthday. After being in labor for what seemed like an eternity, Sarah had Charlotte around 10 o'clock on Monday night. I was able to go over and see her on Tuesday. At 8 lbs. 4 oz., she is a precious and healthy little girl.
On Thursday, we loaded the car to the brim and headed to west Tennessee to spend some quality time with Jason's grandparents and great grandmother (a.k.a. granny). JT did great in the car and even slept through the night after we got there. He loved being the center of attention and everyone absolutely adored him.
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