Saturday night, I had the opportunity to go to my friend's wedding shower. Amanda (in the center of the photo) is getting married in Savannah in the Fall. I'm sure she will make a stunning bride. On the home front, Jason was in charge of putting JT to bed. I think it went fairly well because John Thomas was slumbering peacefully when I got home. Aside: Sarah is due this week and Baby Charlotte can't get here soon enough!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Decked Out
We had a pleasantly uneventful week here on the Kirkpatrick ranch. John Thomas officially graduated to the big boy tub in the bathroom. He loves to splash in the water and soak mom in the process.
Gramma mailed us some new books this week. Among his favorites are "Hand, Hand, Thumb" and "Farm Animals."
I made a really good salad this week from our home grown tomatoes. It had fresh mozzarella, basil, tomatoes, balsamic vinaigrette and a dash of olive oil. It was delicious!
I'm sure you've been so excited to see our new deck. After a few rain delays, we finally have a finished product and it's awesome. I think we'll be having a deck warming party real soon.
The two best features are the built-in benches and the stone fire pit. I can't wait until it gets cool enough to warrant a fire. I'm fairly certain that Jason will be breaking it in this week, even if it is 100 degrees outside. As you can see from the picture, the builder made a custom lid so that little John Thomas wouldn't fall in.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Getting Cuter By The Day!
We had a fabulous week at the homestead! John Thomas turned three months old and I cannot tell you how fast he is changing. We have discovered his favorite thing in the whole world...himself in the mirror. Sorry about the really shoddy photo, but it was the best one of his smile. He also loves to be in the Baby Bjorn (Disclaimer: I know his arms are supposed to go under the straps, but he really prefers it this way for now). We also got to hear him laugh for the first time this week. It's actually more like a squeal, but he's done it several times when we're dancing in the mirror, so I'm pretty sure it's his laugh.
Saturday morning we had to rise early so that builders could begin "demo" (that's builder lingo for demolition) on our deck. Jason and John Thomas took the opportunity to catch some of Le Tour de France on television. I think it must have been all the bright colors that the riders were wearing, because JT actually tuned in.
As of 8:30 Saturday morning this is what was left of our deck. Hopefully next week you'll get to see the final product.
This is my favorite picture of us so far. As usual, he was eager to smile for his daddy.
We have fallen into a daily routine that makes everyone happy. It starts at about seven in the morning and goes something like this:
Chester is trying to show John Thomas how to grab toys with his hands. JT is developing his hand-eye coordination and has actually grabbed a few toys. It is simply amazing how fast he is growing up. And while they haven't learned how to play together just yet, they have learned how to play side by side.
7:00-9:00 Wake up,eat breakfast, play
9:00-10:00 Nap in jogger as mom walks in the neighborhood
11:00-2:00 Wake up, eat, play, and eventually take another nap
3:00-7:00 Wake up, eat, play, help mom cook dinner and get ready for bed
8:30ish Usually asleep for the night
Sunday, July 11, 2010
We started off the week with our first trip to the lake. Although we missed out on the 4th of July lake festivities, Monday provided a great day to enjoy the weather without all the traffic and wild parties at the marina. I was so excited about finally getting back to Lake Norris that we were pulling out of the driveway before I realized I was still wearing my slippers. I'm not kidding. I'm sure it won't be the last time I pull out of the driveway without forgetting some rather important detail--like shoes! We were able to spend the entire day on the Bradley's houseboat. The kid loved it! Tony was also kind enough to take me skiing for the first time in nearly a year. I got up but it wasn't pretty.
The rest of our week was pretty typical. However, I'm happy to report that our son has been sleeping through the night for an entire week now! Woo hoo! I wonder what Chester was whispering in his ear. Probably "scoot over kid" or "she was my mom first you know."
On a rather disappointing note, this is our entire squash harvest. I think I planted them too close together. At least they tasted good.
Jason's mom (a.k.a. Grandma Molly) came through on Saturday. She volunteered to babysit so that Jason and I could hit the town on a date. Yay! We decided to cash in a gift card to Copper Cellar and play pool at Barley's afterwards. Even though it is hard to peel myself away from our little cutie, I always have so much fun hanging out with my hubby. I think we'll try to incorporate a date night every two weeks. But, unless our moms decide to commute every two weeks to spend time with John Thomas, we'll soon be in the market for a babysitter.
Church must have been exhausting today because we could not wait to get home and steal a nap on the couch. Chester took full advantage of my empty arms and lap. What a sweet family I have.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday America!
We had such a fun week here at the Kirkpatrick household! On Friday I got to venture out on the bandwagon to see Eclipse. If you've read the books and you're a fan, you'll be pleased. If you haven't read the books but you're into vampires, werewolves and young men who go shirtless the entire movie, you'll be pleased too. The best part about the whole outing was the smile I got from John Thomas when I walked in the door. It was as if he was saying, "Momma, you're home! I missed you so much!" Saturday we went over to a friend's house for a low country boil. It was a lot of fun and we were home in time to keep JT in his routine. Speaking of routine, John Thomas has slept through the entire night for two nights in a row! I feel like a whole new woman to get seven hours of consecutive sleep. Today, we had a few friends over for a Fourth of July grill out.

Jason wanted me to include this photo for the "grill club." Dad, I hope this makes you proud. More importantly, he grilled every burger to perfection and they were delicious!
Look at all the cute ladies and John Thomas. He is destined to be a ladies man. Of course he's in one of his favorite laps, Aunt Sarah.
These are all the ladies (and JT). As you can tell, all the partying wore him out. Kinsley, Kim and Jason's little girl, was so festive in her stars and stripes and big red bow. You can't tell but Sarah (far left) is 36 weeks pregnant and due two days before my birthday!
Jason wanted me to include this photo for the "grill club." Dad, I hope this makes you proud. More importantly, he grilled every burger to perfection and they were delicious!
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