After an incredibly exhausting week, I was thoroughly looking forward to having a restful weekend. Jason went to Tunica in hopes of starting Baby KP's college fund. (Aside: We won't be starting our tuition account just yet, but we won't have to donate plasma this week to put food on the table either.) My (not so) big weekend plans were thrown out the window Friday afternoon with one simple phone call.
My mom called me at five o'clock with news that my 91 year old grandmother had fallen and broken her hip. Cue stoic daughter. "Okay mom. I think we should go, can dad puppy-sit?" So I rushed home, scarfed down my taco salad, packed, took care of some weekend chores and waited for my ride and tried to get the tears out before my mom showed up.
We drove through torrential rain nearly the entire trip and four hours later arrived at the hospital. Miraculously, mamaw was awake! She was so happy to see us that her eyes just lit up. She has Alzheimer's, so she did not remember falling and had to be reminded at least ten times that she had broken her hip and was having surgery the next morning. My heart shattered every time they told her because it was obvious that the news gave her fresh angst and distress all over again.
There was a silver lining to a midnight run to the hospital. I was able to show her the ultrasound of our little pinto bean. We talked about names and such. She is now rooting for her name, Mary, if we have a girl. She had a hard time resting so I offered to practice my lullaby singing on her. Even with her Alzheimer's she remembers that I can't sing, so she declined the offer.
My Friday night and all day Saturday was filled with prayer. Prayer that she would be without pain, that God would bless those who worked on her, that she may find His strength and courage after the surgery and throughout recovery. I prayed for the only mamaw I have. I found comfort and I know God was all around us. Jeremiah (33:6) promises, "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." I didn't know who would need healing more, my family or my mamaw.
The surgery went incredibly well. The doctor said that she has a better chance of recovery than most 91 year old hip replacement patients. Although she was in serious pain, I still tried to lighten her spirits by saying things like, "you got a shiny new's still got a tag on even have that new-hip smell." She would chuckle, grab my hand and say, "not another one like her." I love her so much. She is so brave.
Sunday morning, after a restful night's sleep, I went back to the hospital. My mom, who only slept about seven hours all weekend, was still on bedside watch. We were soon relieved by the first shift, my uncle, so that we could get on the road. I treated mom to a Denny's breakfast before driving us home. By the way, if you haven't been to Denny's lately, it's really good.
Today, she got out of bed twice and was actually able to put some weight on her new hip. It was sad to leave her because I know that we truly did help liven her spirits. Mom is going back tomorrow and I'm sure I'll be heading back rather soon myself. Until then, I will find comfort in knowing, "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard [y]our hearts and [y]our minds in Jesus Christ." (Philippians 4:7)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
An Ultra-Amazing Week
On Thursday, Jason and I went to our first ultra-sound! It was incredible! After drawing about 10 vials of blood and doing the (oh-so-fun) routine check-up stuff, we got to see our eight week old baby. We could see and hear the heart beating (167 beats per minute). Here is the picture they gave us of our little pinto bean. I know it looks like some kind of astrological phenomenon, but it's our baby. The head is towards the top, the little arm nubs are along the sides and the leg nubs are at the bottom. I love him already!
On Friday, we celebrated our "last supper" with the best neighbors (Tommy & Stephanie) we've ever had. Okay, they're the only neighbors we've ever had, but they really are great and they really are moving to Birmingham. We decided to go to an Irish restaurant out west. You can order such Emerald Isle classics as corned beef and cabbage (YUCK!), sheppard's pie or bangers and mash (which is what I got).
Afterwards we headed to play some pool. It was only 8:30, but I was exhausted. I hung in there for about an hour and then I had to call it quits.
I think Chester is ready for the rain to go away so we can get outside and do something fun! What do you think?

They at least look like they might be pool sharks. I'd say we are all more like pool minnows.
(In the pic from Left to right: Jason, Jason, Kim, Amanda, Jenna with her boyfriend Matt, and Scott is in the front) Saturday I finally got to hang out with friends for a UT football game. We headed to Scott and Amanda's house on Watt's Bar lake. They had petros, chips n' dip, rice crispy treats and various other goodies to make it a little easier to swallow our defeat.
(In the pic from Left to right: Jason, Jason, Kim, Amanda, Jenna with her boyfriend Matt, and Scott is in the front) Saturday I finally got to hang out with friends for a UT football game. We headed to Scott and Amanda's house on Watt's Bar lake. They had petros, chips n' dip, rice crispy treats and various other goodies to make it a little easier to swallow our defeat.
Sunday after church I got a new cell phone. I'm officially connected with my new Blackberry. It's too bad I have no idea how to use it yet. The rest of the afternoon was spent grading essays, making spaghetti and going to small group.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Journey Home
My small group just finished the first part of our "Experiencing God" study, Victory Over the Darkness. It provides a pragmatic and challenging glimpse into who you are and how you can grow in your relationship with God. So, our group leaders decided we were ready for a weekend in the wilderness.
Never before has a weekend getaway felt so much like going home. It started Saturday after Jason lovingly dropped me off in the Powell Church parking lot at 8:00 in the morning. Eleven ladies from my small group were going on a retreat. Besides a sparse packing list (including sleeping bag/pillow, jeans and comfy shoes) we weren't given any other itinerary. After all the cars were packed and passengers loaded, we headed west out of town. It's exhilarating to take a trip without knowing the destination. This symbolic part of our journey did not go unnoticed. Lesson 1: You don't always know where God is going to take you. Approximately two hours later, we arrived at Smokey Mountain Christian Camp.
These are the group leaders (left to right: Nicole and Janiece). They have done the study before and have truly embraced their roles as group leaders. They tried to maximize every moment of our experience this weekend, from the car ride to the campfire. After unpacking, we decided it was lunch time and set up our picnic in the floating gazebo across the lake from the cabin.

All the women there were so courageous and maybe a tad nervous about me being pregnant and free falling/swinging 40 feet in the air. Whenever baby KP gets here, (s)he'll be happy to know they had quite an adventurous ride.
After dinner, we headed down to the campfire. We all had to bring a list of people we need to forgive. I'll just tell you the top person on my list was me. Lesson 5: Without God, I truly am my own worst enemy. Anyone who wanted to share their list could and then we each threw our list into the fire. Lesson 6: In order to truly love like Christ, you must truly forgive and learn to love others--even those who have hurt you. At the campfire we chatted, sang some songs and ate Smoreos. What's a Smoreo you ask? First, you unsandwich the Oreo, then you toast your marsh mellow and lastly you put it all together with a piece of chocolate in the middle. Although it was a beautiful night, I had to turn in at eleven.
Never before has a weekend getaway felt so much like going home. It started Saturday after Jason lovingly dropped me off in the Powell Church parking lot at 8:00 in the morning. Eleven ladies from my small group were going on a retreat. Besides a sparse packing list (including sleeping bag/pillow, jeans and comfy shoes) we weren't given any other itinerary. After all the cars were packed and passengers loaded, we headed west out of town. It's exhilarating to take a trip without knowing the destination. This symbolic part of our journey did not go unnoticed. Lesson 1: You don't always know where God is going to take you. Approximately two hours later, we arrived at Smokey Mountain Christian Camp.

From left to right: Vicki, Nicole, Janiece, Heather, Andrea, Lynda, Anne, Me, Laura, Talisyn and Shelva. They are all very sweet women who are also seeking a stronger relationship with God. They also love to laugh and eat, which makes for my kind of company.

This was our bunk house. It could sleep eighteen and had four showers, four toilets and two window air conditioning units. Needless to say, we were actually quite cozy. 

Andrea and I decided to take the canoe out for a spin. I'm not sure either one of us have any future as a coxswain (kok-suhn) but we managed to make it back to the shore without falling in.

We had to rendevous at the mess hall at one o'clock. Here we met Billy who runs the grounds, preaches at a local church and drives a school bus during the week. He did some "getting to know you" activities and gave us a pep talk about David and Goliath. Lesson 2: In order to slay your giants, you have to be willing to face them head on and know that God is in your corner. After our pow wow, we headed for the T-swing. Basically it's a rope suspended between two very tall trees. You get harnessed in, pulled all the way up to the top of the pendulum and then you have to let go. Lesson 3: In order for you to truly obey God's will, you must let go and embrace that you are no longer the one in control of your life.

After we survived the T-swing, our leaders gave us two hours to spend time alone. I, of course, had to hike around the lake and spend time basking in a field while soaking in a perfectly delightful breeze. I have never spent so much uninterrupted time with God. I know He was giving each of us a huge hug all afternoon. Lesson 4: God is always there, sometimes we're too busy or distracted to notice. I would also like to add, I feel the closest to God when I am in nature.
"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth." (Psalms 96: 11-13)

After breakfast, we had about 45 minutes to squeeze in one last devotional. I spent my time in this worn rocking chair that had a perfect view of the sun coming up over the lake. I decided to read the book of Esther since my greatest challenge will be mustering up the courage to sacrifice my selfishness and insecurities in order to live out my purpose. It was an incredible weekend. I truly pray that each of you can experience God the way I did this weekend. Lesson 7: I am blessed.
Chester had his own retreat this weekend and Gamma and Grandpa's. He got to play ball all the time, wrestle with his best bud, Ozzie, and sniff Sassyie's...well, let's just say he had fun.

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